'Most of us have imposter syndrome' - Entrepreneur of the Year publishes book to support others

In addition to winning Women in IT Awards Entrepreneur of the Year, and Digital Leader’s Health Innovation Award 2019, Avril Chester CEO of Cancer Central (www.cancercentral.org.uk) chartered her first year’s entrepreneurial journey in her recently published book ‘Taking that leap of faith’.

The book captures her light and dark moments, sharing frustrations, tears and jubilations. It is witty, light-hearted and fun.

"I couldn’t even name my pet goldfish. It sadly died 24 hours later, nameless. The guilt occasionally haunts me now. I still, after taking that leap of faith to start Cancer Central, wouldn’t class myself as an ideas person. My brain just doesn’t function that way. Although in that very rare moment when it does, I feel like a genius. Fireworks explode around me and I imagine myself temporarily standing on the winner’s platform bowing to the clapping crowd, “thank you, thank you, thank you. It was nothing, really”. Political argument adverted, or department issue resolved. I float on a high for the rest of the day knowing that this month’s idea allowance is gone.

You hear people say - it’s not about finding the idea, it’s about realising a solution to the need. Totally logical and yes, I understand that part. It’s just… what needs are there and how do you find them? I have a hunger to do my own thing but without a concept, an idea or a need to address, I’ll be dancing in the lounge on my own, without any music. No Avril, silent discos already exist.

I hope you do not find your idea the way I did. I wouldn’t wish a serious illness upon anyone to spark that need and imagination, however I suddenly realised I was hunting. Hunting for help."

Summarising her thoughts, Chester admits to ‘having a serious case of imposter syndrome’ and hopes her words will give courage and inspiration to other entrepreneurs thinking of taking that leap of faith.


Chester is asking an encouraging other entrepreneurs to also share their story by tagging in @TakingThat_Leap on Twitter so that she can retweet and share

Book synopsis

It’s nearly midnight and my mind is still buzzing. Pretty annoying as I have calls in the morning and big ideas to update within my business plan however, I just can’t stop. I’ve taken that leap of faith, jumping into the mythical world of entrepreneurs and magical tales of start-ups and quite frankly, it’s a joint emotion of sheer excitement and utter fear of not securing funding and seeing my dream fail...

What have I done?

I feel a dear diary moment coming on. Remember the secret diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 ¾? I am considering resurrecting it as; the surprise diary of Avril Chester aged 39 and nearly ¾ (yes, I’m in denial). A surprise as I genuinely have no idea how it is going to end. I’m writing this book from the very start, to accompany the first year of my journey. Writing during the good times, the bad and hopefully the big wins.

So here we go. Here’s to the new world of launching a start-up.


About Cancer Central

Avril Chester, founded the company in 2018 after surviving breast cancer. The company’s goal is to be a leader in the social impact business space with thanks to their pioneering approach, ‘cominovation’. To join the Cancer Central journey, follow on @CancerCentralUK on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, plus @CancerCentralTV on YouTube. #HelpisHere


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About Cancer Central

Cancer Central is the first award winning HealthTech cancer platform using AI to guide people affected by cancer to find the support and information they need. A place for both cancer patients and their carers. A UK based charity (1202482) created from over 70,000 donated hours and founded by Avril Chester in 2018. Avril started her mission to create a centralised hub after noting disparate channels to find support for practical issues and services, such as hats, clothing, physical activity, financial advice & local support during her own diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer in 2015/16.

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