Abrahamic Reunion England calls for peace not war, on National Winston Churchill Day

Abrahamic Reunion England is selling Churchill-themed gifts to commemorate National Winston Churchill Day.

On 9 April 1963, Winston Churchill was made an honorary citizen of the United States. Every year since then, we have taken time to celebrate and remember the UK’s greatest wartime leader – and the man who inspired the British people with a simple victory peace sign.

Churchill famously enjoyed a great relationship with US President Franklin D. Roosevelt. When Britain stood alone in Europe, Churchill inspired Britain to resist the evil of Nazi Germany and to fight for peace and democracy.

On this day in 1963, President John F. Kennedy hosted a ceremony which made Winston Churchill an honorary citizen of the US. This was the first time in US history that honorary citizenship was ever granted. 

They are inviting people from across the world to celebrate Winston Churchill Day by giving a Churchill-themed gift from Peacegifts.shop, which is owned by Abrahamic Reunion England. 

Some of these gifts include images of Churchill on a vast assortment of apparel, from t-shirts and sweaters to hats and bags. Become an advocate for world peace by spreading Churchill’s simple V symbol on the day that honours his legacy. 

“During these difficult times, we can all be inspired by the words and image of Winston Churchill,” said Michael Kenton, founder of Peacegifts.shop.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

“All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honour, duty, mercy, hope.” – Winston Churchill

“If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another.” – Winston Churchill

Notes to editors:

To learn more about Winston Churchill Day or Peacegifts.shop, contact Michael Kenton 00447970000895.

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About Abrahamic Reunion England

The Abrahamic Reunion was established in 2004 in Israel and the West Bank to bring peace and friendship between the people of the Abrahamic Religions. The Abrahamic Reunion England was established in 2015 and provides education, inspiration and action to promote inter-religious harmony in our multi-faith society. They are non-political and respect all faiths and spiritual paths equally. They also acknowledge those, such as Humanists who play a vital role in bringing peace. They demonstrate ways in which different faiths can and are working together to promote interfaith harmony. This includes presentations at schools, universities, places of worship, and private homes. They place special emphasis on presentations and workshops at prisons. To raise funds they have just opened a shop selling gifts associated with peace and interfaith harmony, many of the gifts include inspiring quotes, see peacegifts.shop.

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