Women across the globe are choosing to be 'bravewashed' to create change

Women across the globe are building a community, founded by Caroline Pankhurst, that is focused on choosing to be braver in their personal and professional lives. The programme is a unique psychology-based transformational programme designed by women for women.

The programme is focused on a Be Braver mindset, which helps women to unlearn the societal & psychological barriers that block their personal change, growth, creativity and career success. Women can either become community members or become certified Be Braver practitioners. The practitioner programme, The Be Braver Collective, is open for January 2022 applications and still has spaces available for the Sept 22 cohort.

Founder Caroline Pankhurst said: "Women have always been brave. It is a condition of being a woman that you choose courage on a daily basis to face the bias, discrimination, mental load & more recently additional burden that the COVID pandemic has put upon them. Yet many become diminished by carrying so much alone."

This programme is unique, as unlike many courses aimed at women, the programme doesn’t take the position that women need to be 'fixed'. Rather, the community explores how and where accountability outside of the self needs to be addressed and the impact this has on women as individuals.

Pankhurst explains: "We don’t teach women to be brave, we help them to be braver again, give them psychological safety, tools & a community to realise their extraordinary for we are all ordinary people capable of extraordinary things."

After completing the programme, which comes complete with a year's membership to the Be Braver Collective and a year's worth of coaching, networking and support, practitioners leave with a model and framework to take to their businesses to help others.

One Be Braver Practitioner has coined the phrase being 'Bravewashed' which she describes as “The joyous act of repeatedly and unexpectedly choosing courage after joining Be Braver.” Women who have been 'Bravewashed' benefit from the acceleration of their careers and ambition.

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About Be Braver Collective

The Be Braver Collective was founded in 2019 by Caroline Pankhurst to accelerate the futures of women by equipping them with the psychological tools to face fears, risks, & uncertainty where mental or emotional barriers hinder creating the change or ambitions the seek in their personal & professional lives. Be Braver is a framework, mindset, programme & a practice. The results it creates have been so remarkable that the business evolved to serve both industry & to continue to recognise the specific needs required to advance of women. The Be Braver Institute works with organisations, teams & leaders & The Be Braver Collective which is membership community specifically designed for women. Founder Caroline Pankhurst, who changed her name via deedpoll to Pankhurst after Emmeline Pankhurst the suffragette, created & designed the programme.