Fleet Evolution aim to continue the fight against hidden killer

Electric car company, Fleet Evolution, aim to promote the sale of electric cars via salary sacrifice, to continue improving the quality of air.

As the world deals with the tragedy of COVID-19, Fleet Evolution express their deepest sympathies to anyone affected by the virus but respectfully ask that the world does not forget about another deadly killer, air pollution.

Lockdown in the UK has not only successfully helped reduce the spread of COVID-19, but it has also created a significant improvement in air quality and reduced the number of deaths caused by poor air quality.

Fleet Evolution is encouraging businesses and individuals to use the hidden advantage lockdown has given the UK and raise awareness for the importance of clean air as, each year, WHO estimates poor air quality causes the death of between 4-7 million people.

To help raise awareness of this issue, Fleet Evolution is urging businesses to do what they can post-lockdown to continue improving the quality of air. Fleet Evolution are confident solar panels, renewable energy and an electric car via a salary sacrifice scheme will help to start conversations about clean air and create measurable results.

Andrew Leech, MD, said: "While any death from Coronavirus is appalling, there is a wider wake-up call we can't afford to ignore. Business has created a wider crisis which is much bigger, costing many more lives and one with a much greater impact yet with much less awareness. However, the tools, technologies and cost justifications now exist to enable businesses to make a real change, saving millions of lives globally every year."

Fleet Evolution feel confident an electric car via salary sacrifice schemes would be an effective and practical way to introduce more clean air electric cars on UK roads, but they need the support of UK businesses and the interest of employees.

To learn more about clean air initiatives or how to start a clean air electric car via salary sacrifice scheme, get in touch with Fleet Evolution today on 0300 302 0626.

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