What is Hydromx and Nanotechnology

Hydromx is the Only energy saving product on the global market that can Slash Heating/cooling Bills 20%-35% guaranteed

Hydromx is helping commercial and residential properties to be more energy efficient can reduce energy consumption in heating and cooling systems and slash bills 20 to 35%. The revolutionary Hydromx is an organic solution which replaces 50% of the water in a heating system. Not only does it reduce carbon emissions and energy bills, it also prolongs the life of the boiler and protects 100% against frozen pipes.

Hydromx has already been introduced into the USA and Europe, and is now available in the UK thanks to Energy Savings UK. It is the only energy saving fluid that is backed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Developed in Turkey, the Hydromx and nanotechnology has the potential to reduce the UK's carbon footprint and inject savings into the economy. With £33 billion spent annually in the UK on heat alone, Hydromx could be the answer to a wide range of economic and environmental issues.

Turkish Entrepreneur inventor Ümit Özdoruk said, "Hydromx is a revolution in heating, energy efficiency and carbon reduction. With the abundance of savings it offers and the increase in efficiency and life of the boiler, home owners will see a payback of just 1-3 years.Larger buildings usually shorter. Soon we will wonder why we used water alone in the country's heating and cooling systems."

The benefits of the pioneering energy saving fluid are endless. The reduction in consumption and corresponding savings are the most obvious, the Hydromx also protects systems from corrosion and calcification. Water can in fact damage heating systems, causing sludge and blockages - and frozen pipes in the winter. This makes the whole system less efficient and prone to break downs and boiler call outs incurring significant costs. When switching to Hydromx, the system is no longer at risk of corrosion or dreaded frozen pipes, which means the boiler will last for longer.

Hydromx nanotechnology can also be used in cooling systems, with HBO's data centre seeing a 35% energy saving overall when switching. The company also seen a return in investment within one year. Forest Green Rovers hired Energy Savings UK earlier in the year to install Hydromx in their systems and said:

"We are delighted that our football club is the first in the UK to use nanotechnology to cut our gas bill and carbon emissions by 30%. Having seen the benefits of this energy saving solution at first hand, it's not hard to imagine the contribution Hydromx and its nanotechnology can make towards the reduction of carbon emissions in both domestic and commercial buildings. Thank you again for bringing this revolutionary technology to us." - Operations Director, Forest Green Rovers.

Ümit said "Imagine, if every central heating boiler in the UK used Hydromx instead of just water: there would be major economic savings for the country and a significant reduction in energy demand and carbon emissions, which could save the environment and help to manage climate change."

About Energy Savings UK

UK Suppliers of Hydromx, revolutionary heat transfer fluid. Soon we will wonder why we used water alone to transfer heat in our heating and cooling systems.