How Theresa May is using her body language to win the emotional vote.

Have you been watching Theresa May’s recent Brexit speeches?

May has been addressing a multitude of audiences recently; Parliament, the media and the public. Gone is the May of Summer who danced with school children in South Africa and spoke of frolicking in wheat fields, and in her place is a leader who is using her body language to instil confidence and trust without being closed off.

Negotiations don’t come much tougher than exiting the European Union but communication and body language experts such as Esther Stanhope, ‘The Impact Guru’ have deemed the Prime Minister’s recent public appearances as showing that she has extreme confidence in her ability to negotiate a Brexit deal.

“She has such a think skin, you can almost see her virtual shield. She somehow manages to put up this force field so the blows literally bounce off her.”

May has been taking an affirmative stance when public speaking, meaning that she stands square on and rooted, conveying authority and confidence. When she talks she nods her head which is a subconscious way to show that you agree with what you are saying.

May also uses her hands to emphasise important points. This is a favourite of politicians (Remember how much Tony Blair used to do it!?) because it punctuates the delivery of the most important parts of your speech.

Through considering and choosing the appropriate body language for her public persona, May is conveying the right emotional tone and gravitas for her speeches - and you can too! Stanhope says that “If you have a tough negotiation this week - remember your affirmative stance, stand with your feet hip width apart, not too wide or you’ll look ridiculous. It so easy to get it wrong…use subtle nodding to show enthusiasm, but not too much ‘noddy’ and use your hands to punctuate your key points. But careful not to choreograph your movements as this could make you look fake.”

Stanhope reckons “The silver bullet when it comes to body language and leadership is to master the art of power and warmth. Take up your space with your posture and smile so you look effortless and relaxed”

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