Konsentus signs up seven new partners to accelerate European distribution as PSD2 open banking goes live

EMBARGOED: Thursday , 14th March 00.01am

Today, 14 March 2019, is the day that all Financial Institutions across Europe must have PSD2 open banking APIs live for external testing.

Konsentus, a regtech company, today also announced the signing of seven new partners ensuring that their Third-Party Provider (TPP) Identity & Regulatory checking platform is even more widely available to Financial Institutions as they look to meet the PSD2 open banking requirements and commence testing.

Konsentus is the only live SaaS based API solution available to check TPP Identity and Regulatory status in the market. This is required each time TPPs access a Financial Institution through their dedicated interface.

Brendan Jones, Chief Commercial Officer of Konsentus said; “We are delighted to have signed up the following additional strategic partners:

1. Epiphany Srl

2. Fiorano

3. Forgerock

4. Paymentology

5. PSI-Pay

6. Transact Payments

7. Tribe

A rapidly increasing number of technology companies are recognising Konsentus as the market leader in delivering a critical solution for PSD2 “TPP Identity & Regulatory checking” and have chosen to partner with Konsentus to service their own customer demand.

Brendan added “With a live production environment, as well as sandbox and swagger documentation, we have everything in place to quickly support Financial Institutions as they look to comply with PSD2 open banking requirements”

About 14 March 2019 – FCA Email sent out

Testing facilities and specifications

Key date: 14 March 2019

• All providers of payment accounts that are accessible online must comply with the requirements to make available, no later than 14 March 2019:

o technical specifications regarding their access interface(s), and

o testing facilities for third party providers (TPPs).

• We encourage firms to make these facilities available earlier where possible and to discuss them with TPPs.

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