Students using artificial intelligence tech in the classroom

A secondary school in the UK has introduced AI (artificial intelligence) software in its business studies classes.

The masterclass business workshops are run by Runagood®, the world’s first AI-driven business advisor software, for students at Sir William Borlase Grammar School in Marlow, Buckinghamshire.

The year 12 students at the ‘outstanding’ school use the analytical software to benchmark a business and then propose strategies to raise performance.

Former leading small business advisor to the UK Government and now Founder and CEO of Runagood®, Duncan Collins, has been running the classes for 5 years, “It’s amazing how quickly they get their heads around business solutions once they see what’s wrong with a business on screen.”

Students initially answer 20 questions about the school, generating a business dashboard analysis of the organisation. The young wannabe entrepreneurs are then split into 6 teams, focussing on the following: marketing, operations, systems, people, finance and value. Each team is tasked with formulating 3 strategies to raise their benchmark score to top 33% and presenting it back to the other groups.

Suzanne Birkett, Assistant Head of Sir William Borlase 6th form says, “These Runagood® masterclasses are always a sell-out, we have to ration them because so many students are interested in starting their own businesses.”

Sir William Borlase Grammar School is one of the highest achieving co-educational grammar schools in the country according to their website and is regularly placed towards the top of the national league tables for GCSE and A Levels.

Mr Collins has invested £1m of personal finance and 8 years into developing the fully automated AI business consultancy and believes the software could save businesses all around the world up to 90% on consultancy fees, thus making it affordable by all. However, he also feels a sense of giving back to the community that provided him with so much.

“The school was brilliant when I was there and the students today are showing real aptitude by making smart recommendations when analysing the data. By exposing the pupils to the latest disruptive technology in these business classes, it will benefit them to make the right business decisions – mimicking the processes of a proper run business,” says Collins.

“We also offer a limited number of students the chance to undertake work experience at the Runagood® offices in London, where they’re given the opportunity to work on machine learning, UX/UI and sales.”

During Mr Collins’ tenure as small business advisor to Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair governments, the UK small competitiveness climbed from 21st to 7th place in the international league tables.


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About Ltd

Between 1988 and 2010, Runagood®’s Founder Duncan Collin's led the government efforts that resulted in UK small business competitiveness rising from 21st to 7th place internationally, it took lengthy, subsidised spending of at least £25bn on consultancy services that could neither be afforded, nor sustained, following the 2008 Financial Crash. Runagood® AI Business Advisor® is built from the techniques developed and used on one million small UK businesses to raise international competitiveness from 21st to 7th place. The technology behind the AI Business Advisor® produces in minutes what otherwise takes a business consultant up to a month to achieve. It thus reduces consultancy time by 90% and with it, 90% of the cost with Runagood® subscriptions starting from £50 per month. Business owners can now gain sustainable access to Business Coaching, Mentoring and Consultancy services with the first ever AI Business Advisor®.