Your Relationship Needs a Holiday

The beautiful venue is a centre for well-being practises, based on ecological and mindfulness principles. It is located in an unspoilt region of Tenerife and is the perfect natural environment for focusing on what’s important away from the pressures of daily life.

For some of us, even booking a holiday highlights our differences and puts our relationship under stress. Then, being together 24/7, brings patterns and problems to the surface. In our quest to create the perfect romantic holiday, we try harder to compromise and to be the person we think our partner wants us to be. Not only is this exhausting, but it takes us away from the truthful, loving and accepting relationship we desire.

How about a holiday where you learn how to consciously strengthen your intimate relationships? Discover how to unlock your relationship’s potential for personal and spiritual evolution. Join a group with a common purpose and share an enriching experience of deep yet playful work. This unique approach uses practical tools, techniques and processes based on personal growth and performance principles.

By the time you return home you will have found a new way of relating. You will have reconnected with your true-self and be ready to make the most of your intimate relationships. More than a holiday, this is a chance to change the course of your relationships forever. To experience more joy in your relationships than you have previously dreamed of, book your place today at

About Sea Sky

Sea Sky Courses for creative people wanting to live and work more authentically Come and join us in spring 2014 at the rural eco-centre, Manantial de Tara in an unspoiled region of Tenerife. Share a unique immersive learning experience of deep-work using practical tools, techniques and processes based on personal growth and performance principles. Spend a week working in a group as a creative community in the Canary Islands with its climate famous for year-round warmth and sunshine. Enjoy freedom, space and time away from the pressures of daily life to reflect and focus on what’s important. “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ~ Pablo Picasso