Painting value soars 4300% in a year.

Artist Steve Porter has seen the value of his “Signed99” paintings soar by 4300% since 2021.

Signed99 paintings use actual signatures as a twist

on the traditional portrait.

The starting price in late 2021 was £1.

They are now priced from £4300,

With 33 of the 99 available commissions have now sold.

In a nutshell, Signed99 is:

99 signature portrait commissions

Individually priced:        £1 - £1,000,000.

Individually numbered: 01 - 99.

Before launching Signed99, Steve spent 20 years making murals and sculptures with children in schools, travelling across the UK.

These adventures were halted when Covid struck.

Steve experimented with painting a giant version of his own signature (for fun).

“After a while, I thought: other people might enjoy this feeling,” Steve said.

And so in 2021, Signed99 was born, along with a highly unique and revolutionary pricing structure…

“The pricing is part of the artwork,” Steve added.

Each Signed99 number is individually priced.

The higher the number, the higher the price.

Signed99 looks a bit like an auction, although clients may choose any available number to buy, at any time.

Signed99 paintings can be viewed as personal affirmations or celebrations.

Henry Briffel, MD and Founder of HXart in New York City said:

“I love this. It makes me happy. I love my piece of [Signed99] art and

I’ve showed it to a bunch of people.”

Henry owns Signed99/11.

Other clients have commissioned Signed99 portraits as gifts.

Some have requested ‘neutral’ signatures for investment purposes.

With each number sold, the value of those portraits already sold, rises.


Will Signed99 prices climb all the way to a crazy million?!


Notes to Editors

For further details or interview requests, contact Steve on +44 07769667487

The Signed99 Exhibition is in London, May '23.
Details TBC.

Attached Media

About Signed99

99 signature portrait commissions. individually numbered: 01 - 99 individually priced: £1 - £1,000,000

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