How To Be Fabulous And Fit At 73.

My point when encouraging folk back to Mother Nature is always the same. There is no product on the market to equal natural homemade. There is no better cure for health than by natural means.

During this home confined crisis, women are starting to panic because they are past their Botox date. I hope this helps them see that outside help is not the way forward if they do little to take care of their skin in between.

At 73, I’m damn proud of what I’ve achieved in both looks and terms of health. I’ve been a dedicated Mother Earth follower and Hippy most of my life. It isn’t easier moving folk over from shop bought products and pharma meds since we live in a fast solution era. Even holding someone’s attention for a minute is a feat.

Due to the quality of my skin, I’ve been asked by beauty companies to be their ‘face’ but wouldn’t dream of it. Why should I tell women to buy a £50 pot of cream when they can make a purer home version for £3?

Whilst I have injectables every 4-6 months and I treated myself to PDO threads around cheeks for my 73rd birthday, I have had no serious work done. My aim is to show everyday women that they can look like celebrities if they are willing to swap reliance for self-reliance. I would like to see more everyday women used as role models to increase confidence in those who trick themselves into believing theirs is a losing battle because they don’t have funds for nips, tucks and facelifts.

Having said that however, facelifts can’t give us the kind of beauty that shines through the soul and what people ultimately remember us by. True beauty starts on the inside, from the way we eat to the way we take care of health. Gotta love avocado, banana and honey. They’re not only mega healthy super foods but do wonders for skin. Eggs make brilliant masks to deal with pimples and ultra-nourish. I could chat on this subject for hours, but to adhere to 1 minute attention span guideline, will move along.

During this crisis, I remain balanced and healthy because I didn’t wait until now to boost my immune system, stop infection getting down my throat and took measures to keep negative energy at bay as is my habit. Fresh ginger is an antibiotic wonder food. Honey clears lungs. They form a powerful immune boosting team. Grate half tsp fresh ginger into 1 tsp honey, stir, chew and swallow every day. Gargle with warm salted water. Dab a little essential Basil oil on wrists before you go out. It’s widely used in Yoga traditions to ward off negative energy.

Sounds obvious but it is also important to breathe. I mean to take a minute and exhale with all your might. In times of stress, our breathing pattern is shallow. Not enough oxygen reaches the brain. Keep it healthy. Breathe.

Stella Ralfini is qualified in 3 schools of yoga, a health and beauty expert, empowerment mentor and author of Sensual Sorcery.

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