Thousands of Mouse Lives Saved By New Gene Therapy Safety Testing System

Research backed by the NC3R’s programme to develop methods of reducing testing on animals for medical products and financed by Novartis and GSK has resulted in a testing breakthrough for Gene Therapy Vectors.

Historically the effects of vectors on mice are studied when trying to establish the safety or otherwise of gene therapies.

What is Gene Therapy?

Gene therapy is the new frontier of medicine and can literally have transformative life changing effects on patients. For example, halting or even reversing degenerative blindness. But, ensuring patient safety is paramount. Gene therapy works by repairing or replacing faulty genes with modified healthy genes inside cells. Basically replacing bad DNA with good DNA and it works by using viruses, called vectors, to deliver the treatment.

However some people’s cells react badly to the introduction of some vectors and use of these vectors can cause cancer

New Safety Testing System

Brunel University, London’s spin-out company Testavec Limited has developed a testing system that tests the effect of the viruses on human cells in the laboratory rather than inside animals.

Backed by more than £1million of research investment this novel, patent applied for process, speeds up testing, costs less than previous methods, and enables researchers to have feedback on the effect of their proposed treatments in about 1/3 time of current methods- and of course, it will save countless tens of thousands of animal lives.

The Testavec hingetox safety assay enables treatment developers to receive warnings that there is potential toxicity in their proposed vectors long before they go on to clinical trials in humans. It means that if cells show an adverse reaction then the vector can be redesigned or changed and then retested.

Among other things the hingetox system measures the ability of cells to repair their DNA when " invaded" by a vector Pictures here show one rogue vector prevents DNA repair - the team developing the vector / gene thereapy can then use this information to redesign their treatment at an early stage - possibly saving millions of pounds.

Over 350 companies worldwide are now involved in developing new gene therapies. It is a true new frontier of medical science.

For further information visit : or contact Professor Susan Jobling or Robert Spencer

CEO Testavec or call 07881 360800

Chairman Testavec or call 0776 4184401

Notes to Editors

Testavec Ltd is a spin-out company from Brunel University. Its hIngetox gene therapy testing system has been developed from funding financed by the NC3RS Crackit Program and financed by Glaxo, Smith Kline and Novartis. It is designed to become the gold standard for assessing vector safety in Gene Therapy. Vectors can be introduced into human cells and the response of those cells measured to see if they develop a cancerous reaction to the introduction of the vector,

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About Testavec Ltd

TESTAVEC LTD Is the first company in the world to offer safety testing on gene therapy vectors using human tissues. Historically, the safety of vectors for Gene Therapy have been tested on animals usually mice. BUT animals are not perfect mimics of how humans behave and animal testing can take up to 18 Months, Using the Testavec System results can be seen in six months saving literally millions of pounds and the lives of thousands of animals.

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