Press Releases

Press Release

Stay-at-home dad and award-winning parenting blogger defies the stereotype to spend time with his daughter

Daddy-Daughter-duo deny the daily grind. “Splashing around in the pool with my little girl on a Thursday morning feels like a million miles away from my life. But we weren’t on holiday, enjoying the odd week of daddy-daughter time on our summer holidays - I’m a dad who gets to spend every...

Press Release

Local baby swim school supports Sands stillbirth charity

Local baby swim school owner, Tamsin Brewis, has raised money for child bereavement charity, Oxfordshire Sands. Tamsin and her team at Water Babies have been selling hundreds of brightly coloured hessian shopping bags to their customers. With much uncertainty surrounding NHS services in the Banbury...

Press Release

Death of mum leads local mum of two to a new career

"I spent seven years travelling up and down the country as part of a high-pressured job in corporate HR. When I found out I was pregnant, l knew that l had to escape the rat-race and pursue something that would enable me to enjoy family life. When I lost mum so soon after Ewan was born, my world...

Press Release

World Health Day - combatting depression in new mums

Postnatal Depression (PND) is incredibly common, affecting 1 in 10 women within a year of giving birth. Christian Bates, owner of The Perrymount Clinic, and Tamsin Brewis, owner of Water Babies in Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire, offer their advice to mums and dads (let’s not forget them!) who are...

Press Release

My baby taught me to swim underwater!

“With my heart pounding in my ears, I took a deep breath, put my head under the water and looked at my baby – it was one of the proudest moments of my life.” 35 year old Katy Brown has just conquered her lifelong fear of going underwater by taking courage and inspiration from her 15 month old...