Your puppy's nearly home for Christmas! But have you thought of everything it needs?

Thinking of adding a four-legged friend to the family for Christmas? What an amazing time! A puppy’s energy is infectious and tried and tested to turn the dismissive other half’s opinion around in under a week! “Introducing a new puppy to your home is a wonderful experience and the Christmas fun could make it even more enjoyable.” Says Alex Bennett, Head of Marketing at leading pet insurer, petGuard. “However, it’s important to make sure that you have all the key bits covered and that you have the right kit before letting your new furry family member settle in.” Adds Bennett. Here’s our puppy checklist to make sure you’re ready for move-in day.

Puppy toys

Your new puppy is guaranteed to be curious and excited when he/she first moves in. A good option to occupy their energy is with toys. Plush toys and teething toys are great choices.

Puppy Food

For the first four months, you should feed your puppy four meals a day to support their initial growth. After this, three meals a day is suitable for up to six months. After the six-month mark, two meals a day are recommended as they start to move into adulthood. Water and food bowls are also important to consider. Think about the size of your puppy’s breed when it reaches adulthood when you’re choosing as they won’t stay pocket-sized for long!

Puppy bed

Puppy beds are another essential, and like food and water bowls, the right one will depend on the size and needs of your puppy. Make sure to do your research before choosing.

Puppy Collars

When your puppy first ventures out, you’re going to need to invest in the right collar. We’d highly recommend an adjustable collar, so all those meals don’t add up to a new collar every month!

Flea and Worm Treatment

To keep your puppy happy and healthy, it’s important to start monthly flea and worm treatments after his/her first eight weeks. If you’re not sure where to start, your vet can provide good advice.

Puppy Crate

It’s important to get your puppy used to its crate early on as he/she settles in. You can use methods like leaving food in the crate to get them increasingly comfortable. Once again, make sure to think about room for growth.

ID Tag

For safety reasons and as a legal requirement, dogs need to wear identification with your name and address (although we’d advise leaving your puppy’s name off so nobody else could identify and collect them from the finder).

This list is a great starting point for getting the items that’ll help your puppy settle into its new home. “While there are many recommended items for you to think about when you get your new puppy, make sure to do your own research and remember to check in with how your companion is responding” concludes Bennett.

Find the full guide here:

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About petGuard

Based in Gloucester, petGuard have been providing specialist pet insurance for cats and dogs, for over 37 years.

Website: https://

Contact: Alex Bennett, Head of Marketing


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