According to Statistics I'm Due to Pop My Clogs But I Never Felt More Vibrant and Alive.

In the 19th century, life expectancy for women was around 50 years, Today, it is around 80 and women coming up to their sell by date never looked more alive.

Finally, we are being heard as valuable voices because it isn’t just celebrities who look amazing in their seventies. There are hordes of everyday women who achieve the same on budgets and shine the light for others. Stella Ralfini, a life coach and women’ empowerment mentor of 35 years standing, said the most disconcerting time in her life was her fifties when she thought she might have reached the end of her romantic encounters yet at going on 74, finds adequate opportunities for romance. ‘It’s strange how when we are young and have almost perfect bodies, we worry about revealing an extra inch of fat,’ Stella said. ‘Being alive in my seventies is a revelation. I accept my wrinkles, spare tire and flabby arms and am totally me when making love.’

Stella feels that statistics which suggest women in their seventies make love once or twice or month are based on married couples. Singletons like her are catching up on what they thought they were too old for in their fifties and sixties.

Stella, who still works since she has more of the world to see and spends too heartily to exist on a pension, describes herself as a travelling hippy. A leftover flower power child who chose freedom over security and lives a charmed life.

Cancer and hip replacement op, temporarily slowed Stella down. 2020 was comeback year; meant to include guest speaking at wellness festivals. Teaching beauty/health seminars. Tour of UK, promoting her book Sensual Sorcery. Embark on over sixties singles cruise to meet likeminded hippies. Enjoy an encounter.

Due to Covid, all were curtailed. Stella will be back on track soonest. ‘According to statistics, I have up to six years before I expire,’ Stella said, ‘but I have never felt more vibrant.’ Stella lives every day as though it were her last, puts on lipstick, styles her hair then gets to work on clients who seek her advice. ‘Everyday women in their seventies are no longer old. We have become ageless.’ Stella would like more to be heard from those living alternative lifestyles, fashionistas, makeup and beauty tutors keeping it real in their seventies. ‘We are the original cannabis imbibed, free thinking rock chicks who liberated our minds in the 70’s, got rid of conditioning and live to please our souls. We are unique. The young could learn much from us.’ write to Stella Facebook. LinkedIn. YouTube.

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