Covid, Sex Toys and Neo Tantra.

At 73, I’m still into s.e.x which has nothing dirty associated with it. It is an acronym for Sacred Energy Exchange which offers higher dimension experience of sex and sends orgasmic tingles throughout body without lingam/yoni (penis/vagina) interaction.

Some of you know that lovemaking at this elevated level is called Tantra. It played a a huge role in the woman I became after I qualified as a teacher. Pre-Tantra, I thought my relationships were OK. Post Tantra, OK didn’t cut it. I wanted the whole deal, to become an expert Tantra lover who would get as much out of sex as my partner.

Ruled by sexual desires, we rush into relationships to satisfy our needs but when the sex side wears off, often find we have little in common and move onto the next ship. Tantra is not about passing ships but building on the ship in port. This starts with honest communication which is at the root of Neo Tantra teachings. For whatever reason, humans fall down in this regard. We don’t share our deepest self for fear of scaring, upsetting or turning away partners but what’s the point of having relationships with those who can’t accept all that we are?

Great s.e.x. means to be able to talk with open minds, honestly share everything we are, including our sexual wants, and strive to satisfy one another mind, body and soul. Assuming that is what you would like for you and your partner, (even if you haven’t seen eye to eye of late), NeoTantra is the way forward to rekindle the flame. Any couple who have been together for over 30 years should try it since many fall into the ‘egg and chip’ category, ie same old, same old sex year in and out. Those in new relationships benefit greatly since it paves the way for non-judgmental understanding. Neo Tantra is a rejuvenating, playful, fun experience and contrary to belief, is practiced by folk at all fitness levels and ages. . What I find special about Tantra, apart from its multi-orgasmic bonus, is that it is an entire school of thought with a path from A-Z that as we follow, leads us into deeper exercises which deepens bond with partner and releases inhibitions.

.Covid means many couples are home 24/7 and it looks as though there are still months of confinement ahead. More sex toys were sold in 2020 than ever but their pleasure could be doubled with Neo Tantra lovemaking skills. Dont let winter leave you cold. Make 2021 a year to restore your faith in love.

Stella Ralfini is a NeoTantra teacher, author of Three Faces of Sex and creator of Tantra Love Camp couples workshops.

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