A blueprint for a totally new democratic system

Press Release:

A blueprint for a totally new democratic system

An introduction to a new paper

In Search of Absolute Democracy

by David deVire

Parliament and our politicians have spent the last three years proving to the electorate, and to the rest of the world, that the British system for representing the will of the people is no longer fit for purpose.

In Search of Absolute Democracy is a blueprint for a totally new and truly democratic system. One which will ensure the absolute and total equity of the wishes of the electorate; one where each vote of every enfranchised person will always be fully taken into account and is of exactly the same value as that of each and every other voter. The outcome of each of these national votes would be instantly calculable; their results would determine the exact course of action taken by Parliament. No more old-school 'first past the post' political system with MP's deciding what they think is best for the electorate or even the adoption of some version of proportional representation propping up the political party system and it's egregious politicians. But, one where parliamentary outcomes are always directly proportional to the votes cast by the electorate – unencumbered by the personal interpretations of individual Members of Parliament. Politicians, in liaison with each other and with the counsel of their technical and legal advisers, and with the aid of their civil servants, would always look for the best route to ensure the enactment of the will of the people. The results of Parliament's endeavours would have to be put back to the electorate for ratification before a law could be enacted.

It is a realistic and, in practical terms, a readily achievable alternative scenario for our political future; one which could ensure a truly democratic political system, one which would always precisely reflect the wishes of the electorate. It would encompass well-proven technology and practice in an equivalent form to an existing commercial system; one which is already an established and familiar facet of modern life for the vast majority of the electorate the UK.

Please contact David deVire (david.deVire@yahoo.com) for a copy of his 1700 word article

“In Search of Absolute Democracy”

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