The First True Democracy in the World

The First True Democracy in the World

Parliament and our politicians have spent the last three years proving to the electorate, and to the rest of the world, that the British system for representing the will of the people is no longer fit for purpose.

By using an equivalent form of an existing, secure and well-proven system that encompasses international banking technology and practice, and which is already an established, trusted and familiar facet of modern life for the vast majority of the electorate, we could create a method of determining democratic representation such that the will of the people is always directly driving the outcome of the majority of Parliamentary decisions. Thus, this system could have the potential to reform our entire electoral and political system within the UK and, in the process, for us to become the first true democracy in the world.

But, is a system in which the people's vote would always be proportionally represented in the decisions made by parliament just one step too far; for the political classes, is retaining our existing faux democracy a more comfortable proposition.

For a copy of his 1700 word article 'In Search of Absolute Democracy' - a blueprint for a totally new and truly democratic system, please contact David deVire (

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