What is Sonomentology and why was it created?

What is Sanomentology and why did I create it?

In short, I needed help. And it wasn't there.

My childhood was not the best. Growing up in the foster system, my mind was plagued with all sorts of issues. Abandonment, abuse, etc all programmed my mind for a life of woe, misery, and negativity.

As a teenager, I developed chronic pain issues, anger issues, and despair bordering on recklessness. I was plagued with feelings of shame, inadequacy, guilt, isolation and more.

I was screwed.

But somewhere deep inside there was a spark. A spark of defiance that wouldn't settle for that life I seemed destined to live.

I knew there was more.

So I went on a journey, physically and metaphorically.

At 16 I packed up my life and abandoned everything I knew. With no money and no plan, I stuck my thumb out and trusted the universe to show me my path.

I managed to get all the way to the island of Rhodes in Greece, where my physical journey kept me for a few years. However, my inner journey was just beginning.

I had already spent years studying the unknown, the esoteric, the unexplainable, and I knew deep inside there were answers somewhere. My own experience both before and during my travels had given me a taste of manifestation, and I was determined to delve into this world and find an alternative life.

I returned to England on my 21st birthday armed with an expanse of knowledge about people. I met so many people from all countries and walks of life during my time in Greece that I could see patterns and behaviours that linked them all.

But I still hadn't helped myself. I still suffered chronic pain, and although I had developed tolerance, my anger was still there, brimming under the surface. So I sought help. I tried multiple versions of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, and other natural ways to heal. And they all worked to some extent. But only for a short time. Nothing really gave me a long-term solution.

So I went back to the proverbial drawing board. I started to learn more about all the different methods and ideas that people used in these fields. And I went back to the roots, not the modern ones, but the ideas traced back to ancient civilisations. I also studied modern science. I had always been primarily science-minded, thriving in the subjects at school, so I looked at that element, delving into quantum physics, biology, brain science and more.

I started to see patterns. Links and similarities across all of the fields of science and metaphysics seemed obvious to me, but eluded the fields of individual disciplines.

And in this period of learning, I started to realise that there was a whole world that was unfathomable to us. That there was so much more and we were only scratching the surface of possibilities open to us.

And more than that, I managed to root out my issues and problems and deal with them once and for all. Pain disappeared, anger left me, and clarity and purpose took over.

So you would think my life got perfect then?

No. Absolutely not. Because the second realisation in all of this was that life happens. And it's not all roses and sunsets.

Sometimes it is fireballs and storms.

However, I started to put together my ideas. To develop the roots of what was to become Sanomentology.

I opened my mind to the impossible and strived to make it possible. I looked at everything that was currently out there and methodically cleared the insane amount of bullshit that had been integrated with each new development of the basics. It was almost as if every new person in the field wanted to put their own mark, regardless of how useless it was, onto relatively successful methods.

I then took these cleaned-up and refined ideas and merged them with ways dating back thousands of years, along with tying them to modern theories of quantum mechanics, relativity, and other sciences.

What developed over the years, and continues to develop now, is not just therapy. It's a boundless way of life, where the only limits are the ones the user places on them, and even they get pushed out and expanded on. It clears the past, deals with the present, and prepares for the future. And with regular use of the principle, what a future it can provide. It won't necessarily make everything perfect, like I said life happens, but it will enable you to deal with whatever life throws at you and move forward with determination and ease toward that life you deserve.

Over the past few years, Sanomentology has developed into the most reliable method of dealing with the unconscious mind. That part that is behind every decision, every choice, every emotion, every pattern and repeat behaviour. The part that guides and creates your entire life.

It is the best way for you to resolve any issues, and achieve the life you really desire and deserve. This is my life's work, and I want everyone to experience it and see how much of a positive impact it can have.

So if you dare, if you are ready for that life deep inside, but you don't know how to get to it, then I invite you to try it today.

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About Sanomentology

I am Martin Rothery, and would like to welcome you to this site. I am a man with a mission. My interest has always been in the universe, seeking answers to the big (and small) questions. for over 38 years I have researched and pondered the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. I have studied theology, science, metaphysics, philosophy, psychology, and much more, seeking the truths that lie somewhere across them all. The problem with this type of research is that one question answered always leads to ten more questions. Many of these questions lead back to the design and makeup of Human Beings, about what makes us tick. Inevitably, this lead me to the world of therapy, especially Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Counselling, and Hypnotherapy. And that's where I started to get pissed off! As with many different arenas of knowledge, the therapy world has proved to me to be an ideology, a dogma. The majority believe they are right and everyone else is wrong, despite most of it being the same principles, principles that have barely advanced or evolved in the last 300 years. And these people are training others to work with vulnerable and desperate people, with no real awareness of what they are doing, nor the damage they could cause. This realisation and frustration sparked a fire inside me. With my knowledge, my expanse of information from various disciplines, and my own determination, I made it my mission to create a single series of programs designed to bring skills that have been developed over millennia together into one place and to share that knowledge and use it to help people in ways that have been previously unavailable. I made it my mission to create the ultimate in therapeutic intervention and change work. And to deliver it to my clients, and train others to do the same, safely and ethically. And that mission is the root of the Sanomentology series of programs.

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