How Self-Aware Men Make Better Lovers

A summer of love is on the cards as lockdown restrictions end this month. So whether you’re single and ready to mingle, or with that special someone, media acclaimed ‘Man Whisperer’, Kenny Mammarella-D’Cruz explains how following a spiritual path is the sexiest thing you can do right now.

Kenny has worked with countless men who have turned their lives around when they discovered the power of being an authentic man walking a spiritual path. Alexander, 41, a private equity investor, had a string of failed relationships behind him. Working with Kenny has changed his perspective on life and women started to notice him. “It was like a light switched on inside me and I no longer felt the need to flash my money, flex my muscles and flaunt my fake personality desperately chasing the wrong women.” As he let his light shine, he attracted quality dates, and he’s now married with two children.

A spiritual man is a self-aware man with a sense of purpose, the courage to follow through and the determination to live a true life in alignment with vision and values, qualities that are both enigmatic and attractive. Kenny has some advice on how a man can become more self-aware and be a better lover.

Kenny’s Five Steps To Being A Better Lover

Know thyself, love thyself, share thyself…

• A self-aware man comes from love, rather than just fear, able to be present with and respond to whatever life brings, extending from an authentic, curious inner space. An unaware man fears judgements and abandonment, reacting to his negative fears and fantasies whilst desperately trying to put things right, in an insufferable panic.

• A self-aware man wants what’s best for everyone, including himself. Love is unconditional and people are free to come and go, making space for everyone to be with whoever is right for them. An unaware man wants to find someone and hold on for dear life. Love with conditions is not love at all — it's insecure manipulation.

• A self-aware man can attract and receive the good things in life, rising to intimate connection, vulnerability beyond a plan, abandonment to mood, moment and the elated motion of letting go. An unaware man will attract familiar scenarios that he knows how to suffer, survive, save and be a victim to. Such control makes for a good shoulder to cry on, in the friend zone.

• A self-aware man knows how to take care of the magical child inside himself, so his spirit is free, and he is safe and joyful to connect with. A safe inner child means a calm protector who, like a minstrel to a king, can inspire the way forward, conscious of what has been (what not to repeat), what might be (how not to blow it), and what’s subtly being offered by life, ripe for the plucking. An unaware man will offer up his inner child for others to parent.

• A self-aware man is aware of his needs, his shadows and what he stands for, knowing that if he stands for nothing, he may fall for anything (or anyone) which could end in loneliness.

If you feel you deserve more out of life, and you’re ready to be a grounded man walking your spiritual path, then join Kenny's 6 part online course The Self-Aware Man, early bird until 12th July, hosted by Alternatives, who has brought us world-renowned authors and speakers such as Eckhart Tolle, Russell Brand, Paul McKenna, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Mooji, Byron Katie, Robert Holden, Thomas Moore and Satish Kumar. Kenny is also tutor at the College of Psychic Studies.


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Kenny’s facilitator training awards CDP points to therapists who learn to better communicate with men. He’s an Amazon No. 1 best-selling author and Fellow of the Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists, and Hypnotherapists.

The Self-Aware man course:






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About The Man Whisperer

About The Man Whisperer Kenny Mammarella-D'Cruz (dubbed The Man Whisperer by 'Newsweek') meets Covid-19 issues with daily groups since lockdown. He has facilitated men's groups for 20 years, worked as a personal development consultant for 30 years and trains men and women to effectively communicate with men. His groups take the edge of mental health issues, reduce suicide and domestic violence figures and empower men to communicate and contribute to their families, communities and be the change they want see in society. He has worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta (pics available) and his mental health / refugee story is available here

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